Monday, May 12, 2014

Celestial Wonder

Celestial Wonder
Gurdip Singh

It is happening;
and I am just part of it,
a tiny part
the system goes on
as has been happening
since time immemorial.
Every moment I live
is saved
from a crash or collusion
which just does not happen
it is taken care of by
some other laws of nature
that stops it from happening.
My mind bewildered,
I am amazed,
beyond all descriptions.
What a mind boggling it is
the pace it travels
no it does not fly
it just walks about
in the space
slow pace
which is as slow as
tens of thousands kilometers
per hours
just a stride in the orbit
never repeated
never revisited
nor in the past
or in the times to come
Oh... the only option left to me,
I simply cannot change it ,
I must learn to live in peace
without anxiety
in accordance with it.
call it any thing.
I wonder
and I enjoy
wondering at the things happening
all about me.


  1. As being a part of such an enormous and endless system, isn't it enough to feel courageous to live with passion without interfering others? As I got earth to balance my feet on and sky as an umbrella over my head and the fire with in me! Therefore, it comes “I must learn to live in peace unexcited without anxiety in accordance with it”
