Sunday, August 28, 2011

Seize the world

Seize the world
seize it like it never was before
seize the world
it all belongs to you
Seize the world
seize the earth
seize the sun
Seize the sky
Seize the moon
Seize the stars
Seize the destiny
Seize it like it never was before
The earth belongs to you
The wild and city
The living and dead
The over and above
The wind and the waters
The clouds and the rain
Rivers and the trains
They all belong to you
You made it
You had it
Like it never was before
Seize the oceans
seize the hills
seize the land
Seize the sea
Seize the heart
Seize it hard,
Like it never was before
You made the steel
For sabers and swords
For chains and barrels
Seize the steel
Seize the barrels,
before it is turned upon you
Seize it hard
Like it never was before
Seize it hard.
Seize the labour
Seize the day
Seize the night
Seize the light
Seize the black
Seize the white
Seize the red
Seize the green
Seize it hard
Like it never was before.
Seize the flank
Seize the blank
Seize the fields
The world belongs to you
Like it never was before.

Adieu ! My dear friend!

Adieu ! My dear friend!

Adieu I do,
To abide by the promise you made
With a word of caution
Time and tide wait for none
So quick you be and look before wade
Into the troubled waters.

I want not disturb your way
I wish you well,
A path of joy
Dotted with peace
With truth and care
A world of joy
A world of pleasure
Of freedom unbound
And success so maiden.

May your step tread with care
The path un-trodden
With all your dare
And no fear,
Dauntless you be
To strive for the right
in the rightful manner,
To hold aloft the rightful banner
I wish you success
Success unclaimed
Leaving nothing to chance and destiny
You be master of your own
And fly your own crimson sail
Have faith in you
To learn the way
To turn the tide
To your side
To make your vision all world wide

May all your dreams be all fulfilled.
Adieu my friends Adieu I do,
Adieu I do to all of you.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ah! That was me.

Ah! That was me.
Being so lonely
so desolate
in the ruthless Jaw of the world
cut me asunder
slice me through me
shred me
I wish I could be pulled apart
to be strewn around
not one piece
saw me through
and let he sawdust
be blown away.
I wish to go
let me go
being so lonely
I cannot be
what I want to be
what I desire to be
all is lost
all is not lost
whole is lost
the whole of it
hollow remains
a dark black hole within me is
everything that I had
everything that I have
being sucked into it
I wish I could escape
the hollowness is following me
turning me into a fallow land.
here it goes
so do I.

I wish to go

I wish to go


I shall hold no grouse
no grumble
if I die today
and pass to oblivion
So lonely
and desolate I am
having been hit hard
by all
who around me
tried to bend
to twist me around
I wish to leave
make an exit

To You

Thinking of you tickles under my wings
And I wish to fly to you
Like a bird
            That knows no bounds.
I wish to share my heart with you
I wish to share my soul with you
I wish to share all that I have
And get away with your agony
            Your pain
            Your sorrows
So that you could sing a song
The song that lulls
the weary sun on the horizon to sleep
The song that sends ripples in the air
And sets the breeze to blow
            Over the vast tract of my soul
            Through the dry twigs of the tree
            That you sowed in my heart.
The song that sweetens my dreams
The song that sends a breath through my body
The song that could paint a colourful spring
            On canvas of my dreams
I wish I could fly
I wish I could fly to you.

To You

Thinking of you tickles under my wings
And I wish to fly to you
Like a bird
            That knows no bounds.
I wish to share my heart with you
I wish to share my soul with you
I wish to share all that I have
And get away with your agony
            Your pain
            Your sorrows
So that you could sing a song
The song that lulls
the weary sun on the horizon to sleep
The song that sends ripples in the air
And sets the breeze to blow
            Over the vast tract of my soul
            Through the dry twigs of the tree
            That you sowed in my heart.
The song that sweetens my dreams
The song that sends a breath through my body
The song that could paint a colourful spring
            On canvas of my dreams
I wish I could fly
I wish I could fly to you.

Who was she?

She appeared from nowhere
Seeing me
standing all alone on the road
she came forth
and tugged at my arm
‘Where were you?
I have been looking for you.
Every where, here and there
Why you did not tell me
That you were here
Standing all alone
All by yourself
I just smiled
Tried to tell
In a vain attempt to elucidate
But she went on talking
Just then a bus arrived
“Look my bus has come
And I have got to go
To see you again.”
She waved at me
while I looked at her
smiling face.
Oh God
I forgot to ask her name?
I forgot to ask her
Who she was?
Oh my God
I am all alone
Once again
Standing on the road,
(based on an Armenian story)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


My Voice is my concern
I am silent.
Am I unconcerned?
I am not voiced myself
I am silent
Unvoiced and unmoved
Am I dead as stone
Dumb as wood
Tagged with so many traits.
What an array of traits
have I eared?
As ice
All frozen
Outside and inside.
Wind around me
Wants to change me
I resist.
What an unvoiced syllable.
Unvoiced shriek
All within
I invoke thee my destiny
Change me
Do change me.
Please animate me.
I want to speak.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Together We Walked

Together we walked
up and down the hill.
Waded like lame ducks
in water,
we kept on walking
we splashed a little
but got splashed by others
they cared not for us
nor for our clothes
that we wore,
the best of our attire
when we left home in the morning
We went on.
we laughed a little
smiled sheepishly at each other
we went on.
Our shoes held more water
than us
with the shoes not keen on walking
we kept on walking.
The rain lashed,
The storms blew us out of our breath
sand in our eyes, ears and face
we kept on walking.
Walk we must we knew lest
it should be late
before the sun was set
we had to walk
so we walked
we walked together.
We talked together.
We listened to each other
and kept on listening.
We sang together.
You and me,
We walked past the lakes
we walked past the hills
we walked through the thick of jungle
we paved through the thorns and thistles.
The sun looked at us
winked at us and
and gone.
I looked at him.
Ohh. I was left alone
he was not there.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hold Me Not.

Hold Me Not.

Gurdip Singh

Don’t leave, cried the village
shouted at me the big tree
in the chaupal, The big gate on the entrance
and the pond at the back of the village
The Old well cried. The dry soil
was moist again, so sad were the crops.
Don’t leave, that was all they wanted
to say. They seem to cry, but leave I must
Sooner or later, I’ve fought a battle within.
So I will leave, I said.
We belong to you, they said, don’t go.
You belong to us, they said, don’t go.
We all belong to each other, don’t go.
But I care not little, you cannot change
me, so be off with you. I turned down
I want to shout at them, don’t stop me.
I want to shout at the deserted temple
Deserted as it stand with the deity alone,
in the  Deserted village.
Don’t hold me back, you have already
Deserted me and my aspirations
Just loosen your hold of me and let me go.
Don’t let me hold back my dreams and
Desires, my ambition and destiny
I’ve sown myself in the fields where
Nothing except thorns and thistles
has grown into bristles of thorny cactus
which bear no flowers.
Let me go, my village & my farms
and fields and plowed lands
Let me go to the distant places
where I want to try all my dreams
all my desires and all my aspirations;
Let me go. Let me go. Let me go to grow
don’t call me back. Don’t hold me any more.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011



Dethroned and thrown
I push my way
Through the thick and thin
All alone
I am gushed through
Several orbital of whirls
Of winds
Quietly I pass through all
The din of words
Haunts me and comes gushing
On my face
Like several hundred thousands of
Dust storms
I am hailed with stones
They all hit me and pass through me
With a punctured self
Ground and afoot
I am slowly
Reduced to few specks of sand
Infallible I am felled at last.
I welcome you all
The witness of my felling.

The final clap





The final clap


Where’re you all the time?
They kept me
all tied
Atop the cross
With nails in hand
and let me bleed
drip bled
that oozed drop by drop
till I could see no more
My vision failed first
Then my ears
And now I could faintly feel you
I beseech
where were you all the time?
They carried me my cross
Heavily burdened my strength
Till it failed
They forced
To push my way
To reach the cliff
Where they held
The mast to have me nailed,
Where were you all the time?
I waited for you?
Now you have come
A long last
When my hands all nailed and drained off
The last drop of strength
I cannot feel you
Oh, how unbecoming the moments..
I wanted
I missed you
I thought you would clap
And I hear your clap the last thing
Will you clap for me
To clasp me?
I beseech you, please.


The Silence

Gurdip Singh

You don’t want to listen
I don’t want to hear
There lives the silence
But not the peace
Angst between us is growing
Ever widening
Too far we stand
From each other
Words fail to reach
To touch the inner core of your soul
All broken
We have become estranged
You don’t know me
Nor do I
Missed each other we may not
Lost we are to each other
once and forever

A poem


What should be a poem? What is a poem? 
A beautiful poem by Archibald MacLeish comes to my rescue and here it is.

A poem should be palpable and mute
As a globed fruit,

As old medallions to the thumb,

Silent as the sleeve-worn stone
Of casement ledges where the moss has grown—

A poem should be wordless
As the flight of birds.


A poem should be motionless in time
As the moon climbs,

Leaving, as the moon releases
Twig by twig the night-entangled trees,

Leaving, as the moon behind the winter leaves,
Memory by memory the mind—

A poem should be motionless in time
As the moon climbs.


A poem should be equal to:
Not true.

For all the history of grief
An empty doorway and a maple leaf.

For love
The leaning grasses and two lights above the sea—

A poem should not mean
But be.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



When it comes,
it flows down the
through the windows panes
it blows
and flows through me
and spatters in spills
over my table
on the page
I carefully
take every drop of it
Sometimes it forms
a poem
sometimes a story
sometimes a painting
it comes
as it goes
through the windows
to make a landscape
my page
my colours
my words
my voice
none is enough to contain it
so it blows
like a whirlwind
picks me up
in the air
takes me above my feet
in the sky
keeps me hovering
The spontaneity
is thy name
You are stupendous.


Sunday, July 24, 2011


May you lose your richness of wealth and not of mind
Nor compassion and nor heart that is kind
The only thing that you can find
in your bust that makes you different
from the wilderness and the wild
May you lose the land at hand
For your palaces that go up spiral round
May you have your feet on the ground
And keep it high  the mind that thinks
May you blossom all the time
keep your heart that never stinks.
May you live close to your thoughts
May you never be ruled by desires.

Life Still is a Mystery

It goes from grip
in drops and drips
as you sips
the life to your lips
it gives you slips
and here you stand
as lost
life has no host
boast you may
night and day
the ticking of times
reduces bones to dust
all desires and the lust
gushing winds
carry all afar
and scatter around
in specks on the crust
the hovering soul
keeps on hovering
till every thing goes astray
the palaces
and plunder
They find no mention
in the books of history
Life still is a mystery.

Make me Celestial too

How can I sing unto you
every thing that I know
you know
and any thing that you know
I don’t know.
If you want me to sing
unto you
everything that you know
I would have to
plunge deep into you
to reach those depths
To explore the unexplained
and put it back into
my words
And make a song
To sing.
I know you want me to sing
Unto you
Every thing that you know
I know not
So you want me to know
Everything of you
And bring it under my lens
To pulls you closer
Upon me
To feel you
To touch you
To taste you
And to make you mine
To make you part of my rhymes
My rhythms
My breath
My vibrations
My head
My heart.
Let me be all celestial like you.



Gurdip Singh

Small as shinning fish
it gave me a slip
I tried to catch it many times
but every time it slipped
I had to face the setting sun
all in gloom and despair
The defeat was writ everywhere
On the face of setting sun
Slowly dipping its tip
In the troubled water
Its dim light vainly tries
to lift few clouds
carry them along
on the moon
on the stars
I walked past the trees
All alone
my shadow
that I dropped having carefully folded
And left it on the bench
on the beach
I walked alone
My footsteps disturbed
the peace of birds
that fluttered as I walked past their
peaceful worlds.
The whole night I spent
gazing the stars
finding out
why my destiny was spelt with
so many words that mean the same
as gloom, despair,
distress and defeat.
Every sleepless night
was spent on pacifying
the dreams of desires
in the morning
I came face to face
the roaring see.
Popped up my shadow
asking me
with a smile
-Let us play fishing-fishing.
I chase the shadow
lest it should get drown
my shadow does not know