Seize the world
seize it like it never was before
seize the world
it all belongs to you
Seize the world
seize the earth
seize the sun
seize it like it never was before
seize the world
it all belongs to you
Seize the world
seize the earth
seize the sun
Seize the sky
Seize the moon
Seize the stars
Seize the destiny
Seize it like it never was before
The earth belongs to you
The wild and city
The living and dead
The over and above
The wind and the waters
The clouds and the rain
Rivers and the trains
They all belong to you
You made it
You had it
Like it never was before
Seize the oceans
seize the hills
seize the land
seize the hills
seize the land
Seize the sea
Seize the heart
Seize it hard,
Like it never was before
You made the steel
For sabers and swords
For chains and barrels
Seize the steel
Seize the barrels,
before it is turned upon you
Seize it hard
Like it never was before
Seize it hard.
Seize the labour
Seize the day
Seize the night
Seize the light
Seize the black
Seize the white
Seize the red
Seize the green
Seize it hard
Like it never was before.
Seize the flank
Seize the blank
Seize the fields
The world belongs to you
The world belongs to you
Like it never was before.